Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A Breakdown of My Punishment

So all said and done, here is a breakdown of my penalties.  I've divided it into "Court-Ordered" and "MVD" to signify who is requiring what.  Although the only dollar amount I give here is the initial $3,500 that I had to pay the court, be aware that EVERYTHING else costs money.  For your convenience I have included a separate post on a breakdown of how much money I have spent on this whole nightmare.


  • Pay $3,500 in court fees
  • Six days in Tent City
    • This was broken up into 48 straight hours, then 4 days of "work release".  During work release, I am released from Tent City at 6am, and I must return at 6pm and spend the night there.  
  • Twenty-four days of Home Detention
    • This began immediately after my time in Tent City is over.  It's not a coincedence that I have 6 days jail and 24 days home monitoring.  The cumulative 30 days equals my "30 days jail time".  Please skip to the post labeled "Home Detention" for more information about this.
  • Alcohol Screening/ Classes
    • This one hour screening told me how many hours I would need to do of substance abuse classes.  I was assigned 16 hours, which comes out to (2) 8 hour classes- a weekend.


  • Suspension of driver's license for 30 days
  • Restricted license for 60 days
    • With a restricted license, I am able to drive to work and to legal/court ordered appointments and classes- but that is all.
  • Installation of Ignition Interlock Device for 12 months.
  • Must attend Traffic Survival School

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