Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Cost $$$

Here's a breakdown of the monies that I have spent on this error in judgement:

Court fees (incl. jail time):             $3493.00
Vehicle towing fee:                             79.00
CHC initial intake (+ week 1):          151.00
SAGE alcohol screening:                    80.00
CHC week two:                               101.00
Traffic Survival School:                     100.00
CHC week three:                             101.00
CHC final week:                                 44.00
SAGE 16-hour class:                        140.00
Ignition Interlock (QuickStart):          987.00
Drivers License Reinstatement:            35.00
SR-22 ($44/yr x 3 yrs)*                   132.00

TOTAL:                                       $5443.00

* SR-22- This is a "high risk" insurance that the MVD might want you to get in order to get your license reinstated.  Not EVERYONE who recievese a DUI has to get this insurance- so check with the MVD to make sure.  The MVD will likely require you get keep this insurance for three years.  Proof of an SR-22 has to be sent to them in order to get your license back.

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